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Greetings, I'm Fadhilah! I love spring, summer, autumn or winter! Rain or shine [: Any weather is my friend.

RAWR and this here is my design and technology blog whatnot.


lead you elsewhere!




Designer: Lisee
Hosted: Blogger
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Pictures on my product
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Star pencil holder

Top view.

Side view

Front view

{/10:17 PM}
Typed by Yours Truly.

My first Design and Technology post.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
My reflection on product analysis
I think product analysis is useful in design and technology as it helps us list out the materials, how it affects the environment, the level of comfort and etc. in a certain product. Also, it helps us understand more about the product and help us in our design planning. That is the reason why we should really understand and appreciate product analysis.

armchairs/dining chairs taken from www.mocoloco.com good example of aesthetics and ergonomics.

very funky-shaped and brightly coloured mirrors taken from www.mocoloco.com good example of aesthetics

Product analysis

1st product

A foldable chair.

Made from fabric, metal and sponge.

A foldable chair that is light and easy to carry along with on picnics or outings.

-Very comfortable as the seating area is made up of fabric and sponge and cushion.

Is not harmful to the environment in any way

The colours are very bright and the shape of the chair can appeal to anyone aged 20 and above.

The design is very original and very slim.

2nd product


Made up of fabric, sponge, cushion and metal.

To provide comfort while resting, taking a nap or sitting down.

Not harmful to the environment in any way

The colour is not so bright and the shape of the sofa is too squarish. Will not appeal to children or teens. But will appeal to adults aged 25 and above.

The design is not really original as there are other sofas shaped like this in the market.

{/8:59 PM}
Typed by Yours Truly.